Friday, October 12, 2007

Java Faqs - How Fast is Java?

The real question is, “How fast is Java in relation to other programming languages?” The answer is, Java falls somewhere in between the speed of static languages such as C/C++ and dynamic languages such as SmallTalk. Preliminary benchmarks show that Java byte codes typically execute at about 50% of the speed of well written C code for processor intensive tasks. The bottom line is that Java is significantly faster than dynamic languages such as SmallTalk and interpreted languages such as Visual Basic. The secret to Java’s speed is the design of the virtual machine instruction set. The instruction set is close enough to most native CPU instruction sets that there is very little overhead in translating from Java byte codes to native instructions. Future versions of the Java byte code interpreter will be able to translate from Java byte codes to native machine code on the fly (also known as “just-in-time compilation”), which will result in even greater execution speed.
Shantan Nethikar

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