Friday, October 12, 2007
Java Faqs - Will Java Allow Viruses and Destructive Programs to be Transmitted Via the Net?
Shantan Nethikar
Java Faqs - How Fast is Java?
Shantan Nethikar
Java Faqs - What are the naming conventions in Java?
1 . Package names are guaranteed uniqueness by using the Internet domain name in reverse order: com.javasoft.jag - the "com" or "edu" (etc.) part used to be in upper case, but now lower case is the recommendation.2 . Class and interface names are descriptive nouns, with the first letter of each word capitalized: PolarCoords. Interfaces are often called "something-able", e.g. "Observable", "Runnable", "Sortable".3 . Object and data (field) names are nouns/noun phrases, with the first letter lowercase, and the first letter of subsequent words capitalized: currentLimit.4 . Method names are verbs/verb phrases, with the first letter lowercase, and the first letter of subsequent words capitalized: calculateCurrentLimit.5 . Constant (final) names are in caps: UPPER_LIMIT. Other sites:6 . Check out the section "Naming Conventions" in the language specification: 7. Also take a look at Doug Lea's draft coding standards:
Java Faqs - How can I store the errors from the javac compiler in a DOS file?
javac > errorfile doesn't work.
javac writes errors to stderr, The problem is that DOS doesn't allow stderr to be redirected (as is very poor software). So you have to use a special error redirection mechanism in the compiler:
javac -J-D javac.pipe.output=true > errors.txt
In JDK 1.2, you can use: javac -Xstdout You typically use this when a compilation produces a lot of errormessages, and they scroll off the DOS window before you can read them.
Alternatively, you can get a scollbar to appear on a DOS window by changing the properties with the "Layout" tab. Change the Screen Buffer Size Height: to some multiple > 1 of the Window Size Height. E.g. use a buffer height of 100 and screen height of 25 (the default). This will give you three buffers of scroll "history."
Java Faqs - How do I turn off the JIT in the JDK?
In JDK 1.1.x you use the commandline option "-Dnojit". In JDK 1.2/2 you use "-Djava.compiler=none"
One reason for turning off the JIT is to get more information about any exception that is thrown in your code.
ByShantan Nethikar
Java Faqs - What language is the Java compiler and JVM written in?
Java Faqs - Can I compile group of java files once?
The first way isjavac *.java
Another way isjavac -depend
where "" is a class "at the tip of the iceberg", i.e. that depends on (uses) all the other classes. Typically, this may be your main class. However, "-depend" is known to be buggy and cannot be relied upon. It also doesn't issue compile commands in parallel to make use of multi-processor systems.Without the "-depend" option, the standard "javac files" doesn't look beyond the immediately adjacent dependencies to find classes lower down the hierarchy where the source has changed.The -depend options searches recursively for depending classes and recompiles it. This option doesn't help when you have dynamically loaded classes whose names cannot be determined by the compiler from the dependency graph. E.g. you use something likeClass.forName(argv[0]);The author of the code using those classes should make sure that those classes are mentioned in a Makefile.
By Shantan Nethikar
Java Faqs - What is the difference between jre and java?
Shantan Nethikar
Java Faqs - How can I program linked lists if Java doesn't have pointers?
Of all the misconceptions about Java, this is the most egregious. Far from not having pointers, in Java, object-oriented programming is conducted exclusively with pointers. In other words, objects are only ever accessed through pointers, never directly. The pointers are termed "references" and they are automatically dereferenced for you.Java does not have pointer arithmetic or untyped casting. By removing the ability for programmers to create and modify pointers in arbitrary ways, Java makes memory management more reliable, while still allowing dynamic data structures. Also note that Java has NullPointerException, not NullReferenceException.A linked list class in Java might start like this:public class LinkedList {public LinkedList head;public LinkedList next;public Object data;public LinkedList advanceToNext(LinkedList current) { ...}Another choice for a linked list structure is to use the built-in class java.util.Vector which accepts and stores arbitrary amounts of Object data (as a linked list does), and retrieves it by index number on demand (as an array does). It grows automatically as needed to accommodate more elements. Insertion at the front of a Vector is a slow operation compared with insertion in a linked list, but retrieval is fast. Which is more important in the application you have!.
Note: java.util.Vector is thread safety.. so it is slow. If you are not worried about thead safety, it is better to user java.util.List.
Shantan Nethikar
Java Faqs - Does Java have pointers?
Shantan Nethikar
Java Faqs - What is the latest version of JDK? Is Java "Year 2000"-compliant?
Java is Y2K compliant in release JDK 1.1.6 and later. See, Prior to this release there were certain corner case bugs that had to be fixed. The Date class, as you can see from the discussion, contains more than enough resolution to represent dates in this century and the next and the last. The SimpleDateFormat when parsing a 2 digit year could cause problems.
By Shantan Nethikar
Java Faqs
Java Faqs - What are the ways to learn Java?
Following steps makes easy to learn java.
1. Start with a java tutorial provided by sun.
2. And get basic book that covers all language fundamental, U can get several java book online too.
3. You can also get a compile from sun site to write and test sample programs.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Java Faqs - What is Externalizable Interface ?
Java Faqs - How do I deserilaize an Object?
- Open an input stream -
- Chain it with the ObjectInputStream
- Call the method readObject() and cast the returned object to the class that is being deserialized.
- Close the streams
Java Code
fIn= new FileInputStream("c:\\emp.ser");
in = new ObjectInputStream(fIn);
//de-serializing employee
Employee emp = (Employee) in.readObject();
System.out.println("Deserialized " + emp.fName + " " + emp.lName + " from emp.ser ");
}catch(IOException e){
}catch(ClassNotFoundException e){
e.printStackTrace(); }
Java Faqs - How do I serialize an object to a file ?
Answer : To serialize an object into a stream perform the following actions:
- Open one of the output streams, for exxample FileOutputStream
- Chain it with the ObjectOutputStream <- Call the method writeObject() providinng the instance of a Serializable object as an argument.
- Close the streams
Java Code ---------
fOut= new FileOutputStream("c:\\emp.ser");
out = new ObjectOutputStream(fOut);
out.writeObject(employee); //serializing
System.out.println("An employee is serialized into c:\\emp.ser");
} catch(IOException e){ e.printStackTrace();
Java Faqs - What does the Serializable interface do ?
Posted By
Shantan Nethikar
Java Faqs - What is serialization ?
Posted By
Shantan Nethikar
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Java Faqs - Know About Java......& Java Faqs
Our 'car' example would be (pseudo-) coded as follows:
public class Car { double speed; double direction; boolean lightsOn; double currentFuel;
public void turnRight(){ - code here to turn right - }
public void turnLightsOn(){ - code here to turn lights on - }
public void accelerate(double rate){ - some code here to accelerate - }